
Anne-Françoise Spinoit
Begijnengracht 19B
9000 Gent
Research identifiers: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9045-9127 / WES
Researcher ID: H-5712-2019
Date of birth: 28/11/1980;
Nationality: Belgian

Christophe Frédéric assenmacher, M.D.
Married, 4 children
- Urological surgeon in the « Cliniques de l’Europe» , Brussels.
- « Head of Department Urology » Cliniques de l’Europe, Brussels
- “Maître de stage” Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL&KUL)
- Monitor for laparoscopic training in “Elancourt surgical training center” at Paris – France
(2003-2008). - Monitor for laparoscopic training of the BLUG in IRCAD at Strasbourg-France (2003-2010).
- Proctor in urological robotic surgery for “Intuitive Surgical” since 2008.
- External Consultant at the “Champalimaud Fondation” Lisboa. (Portugal) : Robotic surgery
(1 operating day a month) since 2015

Peter D.M. de Kuyper
Kerkstraat 19
Work address
Dienst Urologie
AZ Maria Middelares
Buitenring Sint Denijs 30
9000 Gent
National Institute for Disease and Invalidity number

Pieter Uvin MD PhD FEBU
Address: Doornstraat 200, 8200 Sint-Andries (Bruges), Belgium
Date and place of birth: 4 March 1985, Dendermonde, Belgium
Gender: male
Telephone number: +3250658707
Mobile number: +32479285344
- Urologist, Urological Center North West Flanders (Sint-Jan Hospital Bruges & Sint-Lucas Hospital Bruges, Belgium)
- Academic consultant, University of Leuven, Belgium
- European Association of Urology Best Paper on Fundamental Research Award 2016

Decaestecker Karel
Prof. dr. Dr. Karel Decaestecker is a staff member at the Urology Department AZ Maria Middelares Ghent and consultant urologist at the Urology Department of Ghent University Hospital.
- Associate Professor Uro-Oncolgy at Ghent University since 01/10/2018
- Visiting Professor Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romenia since 20/04/2020
- Staff member Urology AZ Maria Middelares since 14/03/2022.
Thomas Adams
- Board member van de Belgian Laparoscopic Urology Group (BLUG) sinds 2003. Jaarlijkse organisatie van opleidingscursussen voor urologen en assistenten en organisatie van verschillende symposia per jaar over laparoscopie in de urologie.
- Secretaris van de Belgische Vereniging voor Urologie van 2009-2019
- Penningmeester Belgische Vereniging voor Urologie van 2019-2021
- Inkomend voorzitter Belgische Vereniging voor Urologie 2021-2023
Geert De Naeyer
Dr. Geert De Naeyer, MD is a staff member at the Urology Department
of the Onze-Lieve- Vrouw Clinic Aalst, Belgium since 2010. He
graduated from medical school in 2001 at the Catholic University of
Leuven, Belgium. He was trained in Urology at the OLV-Clinic in Aalst
and at the Urology Department of the Ghent University. He fulfilled
international fellowships at the Urology Departments of the Radboud
University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and Universitätsklinikum,
Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany.
Other boardmembers
Renaud Bollens
Axel Feyaerts (Treasurer)
Marc Fillet
Hubert Nicolas
Thierry Quackels